Full Tilt's 'The Deal' jackpot won

7 September 2016

(PRESS RELEASE) -- The Full Tilt Deal's sixth ever jackpot was won 7 September by 'Ronal7do', from Russia. The total jackpot was $384,040.92, of which 50% went to the winner ($192,024.46) – a huge result that far surpasses any previous payout. The other 50% was shared equally between those who played The Deal in the previous 12 hours – 1,157 players each received $165.96

Ronal7do won his chance at the jackpot wheel by playing the high roller deal and got a queen-high straight flush in clubs.

The following players have also hit the Full Tilt jackpot;
4 March 2016: 'Natiotis' from Greece won $110,742.14 (from a total jackpot of $221,484.28) and the other 50% was shared equally between those who played The Deal in the previous 12 hours – 4,927 players each received $22.47

29 December 2015: 'RAIVOAPINA' from Finland won $54,670.39 (from a total jackpot of $109,340.78) and the other 50% was shared equally between those who played The Deal in the previous 12 hours – 3,884 players each received $14.07

2 December 2015: 'DECV1979' from Chile won $102,215.99 (from a total jackpot of $204,431.98) and the other 50% was shared equally between those who played The Deal in the previous 12 hours – 6,855 players each received $14.91

6 October 2015: 'skipshot282' from São Paolo won $45,009.72 (from a total jackpot of $90,019.44) and the other 50% was shared equally between those who played The Deal in the previous 12 hours – 6,542 players each received $6.88

18 September 2015: 'dbecks23ex' from Canada won $116,935.59 (from a total jackpot of $233,851.96) and the other 50% was shared equally between those who played The Deal in the previous 12 hours – 7,321 players each received $15.97

The total amount won in the Progressive Jackpot for the Deal so far is $1,243,104.96 – $621,598.29 in total jackpot wins and $621,506.67 shared among 30,686 players.

You can find more information on The Deal on Full Tilt's website.

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