BtoBet to discuss sports betting in Cyprus

14 September 2017

(PRESS RELEASE) -- Cyprus rolled out a new gambling system and online regulatory scheme last November, clear signals that the business is fast evolving.

But are local operators prepared to grasp the opportunities offered by the upcoming changes?

BtoBet has released an industry report on the subject, titled "Focus on the Cyprus Gambling Market."

Recent studies show that Cypriots are primarily interested in sports, especially football, basketball and tennis, which suggests an evolution of sports betting in the online and mobile spheres.

Operators who don't adopt useful strategies and technology may find themselves struggling in this ever-changing market. BtoBet's chairman, Alessandro Fried, will speak on 21 September during the Cyprus Gaming Show.

He said, "Companies in Cyprus must have the capability to invest in products, services and brand reputation, able to capture an ever greater market share. The creation of trustful partnerships is an interesting model to follow, as well as providing a continuous flow between the retail and the mobile offer."

BtoBet will be available to meet with operators during the show.

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