Explore the future of iGaming with EveryMatrix at ICE 2016

18 January 2016

(PRESS RELEASE) -- Join us in London for the most exciting gaming event of the year and make sure you swing by stand N6-310 to say hello and find out more about EveryMatrix next generation platform. Book a meeting now!

Introducing EM2: The Next Generation Platform

Get the chance to learn more about our flexible and modular software architecture of our next generation of best of breed products: OddsMatrix, CasinoEngine, GamMatrix, and already launched, PartnerMatrix. Don't forget to ask details about the future PCI compliant payment product named MoneyMatrix.

Our friendly top management and sales reps will walk you through the new Unified Back Office (the single point of access for all our products), Unified Bonus Systems (improved cross vendor and cross product bonus management tool), the new user friendly Content Management System and the Unified Front End components that will speed up the creation of your gaming website.

Learn How to Protect Your Online Business and Your Players

Don't miss the presentations held by Cyber Smart Defence, our security partner and a leading provider of cyber security assessments, who will address protection measures in today's online gambling world.

Feb 2 - 3, 11:00 - 11:30
Cyber Intelligence in Online Gambling

Feb 2 - 3, 15:00 - 15:30
Hack to secure: EveryMatrix Case Study

Around the World with EveryMatrix: 9 Global Offices, 9 Local Drinks

Make sure you drop by for a friendly chat and a taste of our local drinks selection from around our offices: UK, Romania, Ukraine, Armenia, Denmark, Norway, Malta, China and Philippines. We think globally, act locally and love to share some office stories and our traditional drinks with you.

Feb 2 - 3, 16:00 - 18:00
Drinks. Live DJ & relaxing music.

Don't forget to book a meeting, and see you all in London at stand N6-310!

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