FDJ Gaming Solutions provides terminals to Israeli Sports Betting Board

17 October 2022

(PRESS RELEASE) -- ISBB, the exclusive sports betting operator in Israel, has chosen FDJ Gaming Solutions to modernize their retail network with camera-based ELITE terminals.

FDJ Gaming Solutions, the B2B international arm of Groupe FDJ, is providing ISBB with 2,000 terminals together with their application and management suite.

Eli Ben Simon, CTO of ISBB said, "We were happy with ELITE as this terminal is camera- based and market proven. Camera-based terminals are the new market standard in the industry. They are more flexible as they can read all kind of documents such as coupons, tickets, mobile screens, ID card, etc. They also offer a transparent interaction with players and are more robust hence much cheaper to maintain."

Pascal Blyau, CEO of FDJ Gaming Solutions France said, "ISBB already run their multi- channel betting business with our advanced betting platform technology for a decade and we are proud we were chosen to replace their POS equipment. For the terminal hardware, we work with Carrus Gaming, a strategic partner we have for more than 20 years. With ISBB our partnership will exceed 75,000 camera-based terminals deployed and more than 300,000 terminals globally."

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